Claims Advice

personal accident insurance

  • You are required to submit the following basic supporting documents to the insurance company within the prescribed time after happening of the accident for claims handling purpose. 

    1. Original Claim Form duly completed and signed by you;

    2. Original Sick Leave Certificate(s) issued by the registered medical practitioner and/or the registered Chinese herbalist, also certifying date of consultation, name of patient and diagnosis;

    3. Original Medical Bill(s)/Receipt(s) issued by the registered medical practitioner and/or the registered Chinese herbalist or bonesetter, certifying the date of consultation, name of patient, diagnosis and the amount of medical fees;

    4. Medical Report compiled by a fully qualified and registered medical practitioner, if any;

    5. Other relevant documents/information in support of your claim (if any);

     *The above-mentioned are general guidelines for information only.  The insurance company is entitled to ask for other documentary proof of loss if deemed necessary.